freshers week was SOOOOOO AMAZING!!
the word 'amazing' doesn't even come close to describing it! ;p
i went out every night except for one night hahaa
cos we got freshers passes! which is like 8 nights of club! hehe ;p
tim's being staying over at mine and he's making more friends than meee!
i have some really cool flat mates who come out every night too haha
i've started "transition/intensive week" which means i have 8 hours of tutorials :(
and i have to hand an essay in on friday and it counts as 20% of assessment!
my god, first proper week in and we're already getting so serious haha
uni doesn't sound so fun after freshers week! T_____T
i spent sooo much money in the first week! £260 :(
haha i remember telling myself at the beginning of summer
that i had to save up for uni etc etc..
and i ended up going everywhere this summer LOL! >
oh well! time to get a degree (and a job!!)