Wednesday, 7 April 2010

my family, is your family ♥

i hope that i can always give you
the feeling of a warm family.

so at times when you feel like
you are not needed by anyone,
then remember, i need you.

at times when you feel like
you are not wanted anywhere,
then remember, i want you.

at times when you feel like
people have let you down,
i will make you smile again.

because although you can never replace
the family that brought you up,
and the memories of your childhood,
you can make new memories.

i know that your childhood may not
have been the happiest moments of your life,
and you may not always feel the warmth of a family,
but i hope you know that, if you ever need me,
or just somewhere to get away, even just for a day,
then come to me.

and i'm sure baby joey would love it too.

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