Sunday, 2 May 2010

cutest love story, ever♥

A real cute short love story;
By Gerald Fermin

Today is April 18th 2010.
Three years ago I was in an enchanting yet abstract relationship.
Through this relationship (like all relationships) my girlfriend and I
went through trial and error, but like all problems there is a solution.

3 years ago today, I told her to write me a letter
dating it 3 years from now. She asked, “why?”
I told her just in case things don’t work out,
we still have some sort of humble memorization of each other.

As I’m typing this blog, I hold in my hand the letter she has written me,
although we promised each other to open it on April 22nd 2010,
I have the temptation to read our past, present and possibly future.
We’ve been separated for quite some time now,
it’s been months since I’ve last heard from her.
It’s been years since I last saw her and
it’s only been minutes since I last thought about her.

I know she’s with another person now,
and that’s how we ended our relationship,
she met someone that past my personal traits
and I don’t blame her one bit, if it’s not meant to be
then it’s not meant to be.

We did make a promise though, on April 22nd 2010,
we’re suppose to meet somewhere and
open our letters written for each other, together.
I have 4 days to hear from her, the countdown begins.

P.S I wonder if she still has the letter I wrote for her.

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