4 more days until 2010 omg!
4 more days until 2010 omg!
i think it's time to look back at 2009 :)
i spent half of 2009 with someone
who i fell out of love with.
someone who i now dislike the most now.
but there were good memories.
and i thank my ex-boyfriend,
for teaching me to be more cautious.
i realised i grew apart from my friends,
because i devoted my weekends to him.
i'll never make the same mistake again!
my friends will always come first.
in equal priority to my family too.
guys come in and out of your life,
don't devote yourself to him
unless you're sure you're in love.
after i broke up with chris,
i was insecure but i gained confidence,
thanks to guys (how ironic).
you can never have too many fish in the sea.
which was fun, and i learnt a lot!
but being committed makes me feel more secure.
i grew apart with some friends.
but i made new ones too who i love!
it is because of them i come in everyday,
with a smile that could light up the town (:
my mum noticed change in me too,
which is absolutely terrific! lol!
i've passed the teenage rebellion stage,
all thanks to my weekends being
absorbed by stupid norfolk.
but at least now, i'm more focused.
and my parents are happier,
and less stressed without
having to deal with drama, haha!
now the drama is all up to my 13 year old sister.
she's dating my ex-boyfriend's brother which is strange.
but i support them, and like i said,
if she shows improvement and progress, i'll help her.
when it comes to terms like the mother (;
the friends that have stayed,
the friends that have stayed,
are the ones that are worth staying with.
tasnia, has always been by my side.
she probably knows me more than i do.
we have shared everything together.
times we have laughed, cried and fought.
but at the end of the day, i love her.
and i don't know what i'd do without her.
friends that have left and came back,
i want it to stay this way.
i love you guys, and being without you,
is like shoes without laces.
i can't press on without you.

and the new people who came into my life,
are always by my side and i love you.
you all know how to make me smile everyday.
and you give me the energy to be happy.
forever your ginger chinese sushi, guys! ♥
love you guys.
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