just checked my school email today,
oh my krispy kremes.
sanghvi is on it boyyy.
he's not in for a week,
and he gives us more work than
we would do if he was in!
and i still have to re-do that stupid test.
someone, please kill me now.
miss hardy isn't in next week either,
and has given us some huge project homigod.
and le fanu is being a dxck with the exam revision.
chemistry is getting hard.
i got an E from the test last week, woo?
no mother fxcking woo idiot.
more like BOOO.
was so down today in chemistry.
and so was ally, so it was like,
the two loudest people in the class,
being depressed scientists doing flame tests,
on a friday 3:00pm, how delightful.
i said that to him, and he just laughed.
at least he smiled, made me smile (:
the guy that monika likes is working out well,
but apparently she's suspecting that he's a bit of a flirt.
i explained to her that everyone knows i am,
but everyone also knows that i don't cross the line,
because i have a loving boyfriend whom i love.
so at the end of the day, he can mess around
without pushing the line, and he's still yours.
found out that moni's "eye candy" in the year above,
is a total pervert and a half.
apparently he sits in the common room taking photos
of fit girls, and he watches porn during study -
how he gets past the filters, i have no fxcking clue.
and he grabbed this girl's bum as she walked past, omg!
fxcking pervert and a half.
should go eat shxt and die.
journey back to thetford today,
karman told me that chris is being a dxckhead,
and trying his best to burst their bubble; all like,
"i'm not helping you guys anymore."
and trying to get them caught out by his mum.
what a mother fxcking dickhead.
i'm not even going to bother censoring that.
he wasn't "helping" in the first place.
but karman told me not to get involved.
and thinking about it, he probably wants me to,
because he knows i'm easily angered,
and just by provoking me indirectly, i'll get angry,
and have no choice but to speak to him to threaten him.
apparently he thinks that as long as i'm angry,
he's still a part of my life. what the fxck?
how does he not know when to drop it?!
god i'm so pissed.
i have so much work to do!
le fanu psychology.
hardy psychology.
sanghvi economics.
grieb economics.
mclennan maths c2.
o'malley chemistry.
james chemistry.
o'malley statistics.
kill me now.
but getting to hear his voice soothes me (:
it makes me feel all warm and fluttery inside -
god i know, butterflies?! whatttt wai man!
just got some deja vu, going on, feels like i've told him,
but i don't want to ask just in case i haven't!

thank god i still have you in my crummy life.