Saturday, 16 January 2010

horoscopes are so scary.

if you want the rainbow,
you must put up with the rain.

daily leo horoscope:

As far as relationships go, Mars could be
making things difficult for you today, Leo.
If you are looking to get a relationship going,
today may not be best for first dates.
If you are in a relationship, or a developing one,
 it may seem that nothing you try to do is helping today.
Your conversational skills and warmth certainly are not
in a position, astrologically, to resolve the situation,
but because of the minor planet Ceres
being configured well, food might work!
This is a "way to a (partner's) heart is through the stomach" day for sure.

leo love horoscope:
Your first instinct today, Leo will be to grab the bull
by the horns and deal with romantic issues head on.
You have a natural inclination towards confrontation
and you are desperately wanting to use this instinct,
but this will be the wrong choice for you, today.
On the other hand, your secondary instinct with love
is to pull out of the game entirely,
and that is also the wrong move to make today.
Instead of catering to your blazing instincts, Leo,
realize this is not a win win for you if you alienate those around you.
Compromise is the only game you should be playing today,
but sleeping on things is never a bad idea either.

enough said.

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