Tuesday, 12 January 2010

2010 is looking up, woo~!

couldn't sleep last night,
thought it was cause i was hungry,
so i got up and ate a banana :D
and right after, yan called!
omgomgomg, so baffled.

today felt so long!
i just wanted to see tim, eurgh.
spent lunch with sid - woo!
highlight of my day.
actually, no. when i found out,
i had no chemistry after school,
i was going crazy.

went cosmetics shopping with tas instead!
got a new eye shadow thingy and mascara,
which was fun, but i realised i won't even use it lol.
and the eye shadow is "snow white" but after a while,
it goes purple and makes me look so bruised omg.

omg, my left eye is twitching.
kit says that means someone's missing me..
*cough cough* :D
on the right means someone's bxtching lol

this super materialistic girl on my facebook
 put on her status:
"Valentine's day is a holiday celebrated on February 14
by many people throughout the world.
In the English-speaking countries,
it is the traditional day on which lovers
express their love for each other by sending
Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, offering confectionery,
or sending vivienne westwood bags."
just, lol.

the start of the new year was really shxt to be really honest.
monika said, "if you start the year off shxt, it's gonna be a good year."
and actually, things are starting to look up with tim here (:
i've lost a little weight again, WOOOO!
no more starvation, thank the lord.
time for real food now, tastes so nice mmmm.

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