Thursday 11 August 2011

stupid stupid riots!

we went to calais on monday and it was.. alright :)
definitely could've been better! cos we were all so tired!
and it started raining and we hardly got any souvenirs!
i changed up so much money for nothing ==
i'll upload some pictures tomorrow cos i wanna read now xD

chantel's got me into this vampirey book called By Midnight - Mia James
and it's actually really good! hahaa i don't remember the last time i read!

i've been trying to get hold of a loose-ish denim shirt
and some kind of knitted hoodie/cardi thing..
but i've just lost BOTH today on ebay! :(

i'm starting to organise my money now lols
been estimating my weekly wages and i've decided..
that i really should be saving up for uni
(even though the chances of me getting into herts is slim!)
so it's like: uni, driving lessons and savings :)

results day is exactly a week from today! oh dear ><
and i'm actually starting to get worried now..
but i'm trying to 'take life as it comes' (quoting my boyfriend)
because there's no point worrying about it too much
as you can't do anything now :/

oooh, we watched arrietty last night
and i thought it was starting to get good..
and then it TOTALLY crushed my hopes
and it had the crxppiest ending ever!

and thanks to the stupid riots all over the UK,
the trip to manchester and blackpool are now cancelled! :(
and i doubt we'll be going anywhere any time soon *sigh*
i've still got the trip to sheffield with tim's family though! :)
and my summer's been prettyyyy good so it's not all too bad ^^

i hope the riots end soon because it's ruining so many people's lives
and it's even started taking people's lives..
which is really really sad to hear ><
whilst i think it's extremely terrible etc
my boyfriend thinks it's sort of like a revolution..
i don't know.. i just want peace again!

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