Tuesday 10 May 2011

happy sixteen months babyy♥

happy sixteen months! 
wow it feels like it's been waaay longer than just sixteen months..
these past few months have been amazing -
especially the past month itself!

you know.. you mean the world to me.
i know people say, don't give someone your world,
because when they leave, it'll feel like you have nothing left -
but it's true.

without you, i really wouldn't have anything left.
you make my my life complete (and i'm not just saying that)
and you bring the true meaning of happiness into our relationship.

i am so glad we have finally sorted ourselves out
because it really feels like we were meant to be
thank you so much for everything -
your time, your efforts and your love!

regardless of what comes our way,
i'll be there with you.
i promise

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