Sunday 24 April 2011

imperfect me :)

love your imperfections
because they make you who you are,
they make you perfect
just taking a break from typing up my AS psy notes :)
kinda getting longgg and tedious! and my eyes are tired!

so the past few days i've been feeling kind crxppy
(girl's time of month haha)
but not mood-crxppy, just kinda tummy cramps-crxppy lols ;)
so i've been lounging around the house in trackies and a tshirt
and every morning i think "eurgh i'm not gonna bother with make-up today"
but my 14 year old sister can't give me a break with the
"omg. you look terrible!" already! =________=

and although i was set on going au-natural (haha!)
it kinda puts me down, y'know?
like recently, i've been more.. confident than before.
my boyfriend has been perfect, supporting me with keeping fit and all,
and i've been eating more healthily(ish) lols (;
so i've been feeling less insecure (and it's been a long time haha)

but for someone to slap me across the face every morning,
telling me how crxp i look, i can't help but to fix up lols
but then i think, bleh whatever, it's not deliberate, i'm ill!
and i just ignore it ;p

i think people who point out other people's imperfections
are just really deeply insecure themselves
so they put others down to make themselves feel better.
but i've learnt that being insecure and hiding behind hoodies
don't make you attractive or approachable,
so i've learnt to love my imperfections lols :)

might sound kind of unbelieveable because i always complain
to my boyfriend about incoming zits and bouncing flubber on my belly (;
but he used to always tell me how he loved me even so
and it's a real confidence booster :)

i think, i've definitely learnt to love my imperfections.
and if i don't, i don't starve myself or torture myself about it anymore,
i kind of just work a way to work around it and things work out ^^

so i'd like to thank my lovely boyfriend,
for making me so happy
and for supporting me in all that i do,
because it really means a lot :)
i'm definitely nowhere near pretty without eyeliner/concealor!
i have massive super-black eyebags and tired-looking eyes,
but i don't hate myself for looking like this anymore ^^

because as long as he loves me for who i am and how i look,
then there's no reason for me to try to be different

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