Wednesday 25 August 2010

i'm still here for you, don't forget that♥

promise me you’ll never forget me
because if i thought you would..
i’d never leave.
i made a mistake this year and it fxcked me over, i'm not gonna lie.
i may have acted strong, but it was hard and it took a lot of effort.
and there was no way i could have done it alone.

i was so so so hoping, that this year would be different.
i was gonna make a fresh start - study hard, find a job and enjoy 6th form.
but now that i have found out that two of my really good friends
don't have the grades to stay at marylebone,
i don't really know what to do, to be honest.

tasnia got CCEE and even she doesn't know.

i pray to you God.
please don't take tasnia away from me.
without roaa is enough already.
and tasnia? she's like my blood.

i honestly don't know how next year will turn out.
but it doesn't mean i'm giving up,
it only means i'll try harder this time round!

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