Tuesday 12 July 2011

this summer.. ♥

if you're not willing to sound stupid
you're not worthy of falling in love
okay so this summer i'm doing quite a lot of things :)
well.. a lot more things than i usually do in a summer haha
so today, i went to london's m&m world!
and that was one of the things i really wanted to do~

21/07/2011 - london to celebrate tim's birthdayy :)
22/07/2011 - back to norfolk for karman's birthday!
25/07/2011 - cadbury world with familyy..
26/07/2011 - theory test T^T
28/07/2011 - my 18th birthdayyy! woop wooop! ♥
29/07/2011 - mine and tim's brithdayy party! 
01/08/2011 - london for a haircuttt♥
02/08/2011 - thorpe park!
08/08/2011 - day trip to calais hahaaa♥
15/08/2011 - day trip to dublin..
18/08/2011 - results day! T____T
27/08/2011 - martin's parent's anniversary in sheffield ^^

so that's prettyyy much my summer planned so far lols
ISN'T IT ALL SO EXCITINGGGG?! teheheheeee ^^
well even if it isn't exciting for you, it definitely is for meeee!

i wish i had a mini diary this year like last year..
now why didn't i get one?! o______o

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