Thursday 21 January 2010

baby, you make me lose control♥

saw tim in the evening to give him the jumper,
and to freeze in st james park with his new phone.
what a perfect ending to a crxp day.

during an awful day, at times when i want to cry,
(because i'm a crybaby who cries over little things)
i just think, "everything'll be okay, he's still here."
so as long as he's my perfect ending to a day,
i know that all i've got to do, is face the rest of the day,
with the optimism and enthusiasm i usually have.
no fake smiles, just to enjoy trouble while it's there (:

oh, and i think my retarded cousin caught me with tim,
actually, what am i on? i know he saw me lol.
but you know what, for once in my sixteen years,
i don't think i actually give a damn.

it's with him, i've realised..
life's too fast, yet too short to have any regrets.
might as well make the most of the moment,
and fxck the rest who try and ruin things for us.
because it is whenever i am with you,
i know that everything will be okay in the end.

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